Blockchain Quest Language
BQL - Workflow for On-chain Interactions, Helped accelerate 5,002,323 transactions.
User scenario in BQL
Automate the three steps of Yield Farming
e.g Ethan wants to participate in Yield Farming mining. Using BQL Workflow, he can automate the farming operations by combining the three steps of exchange, liquidity addition, and staking in one go.
workflow: # Step 1: First exchange some ETH for USDT. - action: # stake ETH to lido, get stETH name: step1 protocol: uniswap contract: "0xFdDf38947aFB03C621C71b06C9C70bce73f12999" call: swapExactETHForTokens params: # payableAmount: 15000000000000 amountOutMin: 1000000000 path: - "0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D" to: $ADDRESS deadline: $CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + 600 return: - { returnAmount }
Supported 10+ Networks
Make your BQL public and earn!
From 15th August to 15th December, We are giving away 30 million gemstones to creator community! We want you to build and promote the most helpful BQL templates, hackathon spirit. The most popular creator could get SoQuest token airdrop which will value over $ 1,000.
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