Quest as a Service (QaaS)

Embed Quest widgets to your website and Telegram Mini App

Introducing QaaS - the ultimate solution for customizable quests. QaaS allows you to effortlessly embed quest components into any webpage and easily track user progress and rewards. So sit back and let QaaS help you deeply connect with your community through engaging quests!

Customized Your Quest Pages

SoQuest's QaaS allows projects to add quest tasks to websites and Telegram Mini App while maintaining your brand image and creating a seamless user experience.

Brand recognition and user loyalty

Projects can directly interact with users on websites, which increases brand recognition and trust. Users can complete quests without switching platforms, increasing loyalty and engagement.

One-stop Task and Reward Management Support

QaaS provides task and reward management for projects, including monitoring and verifying user activities, distributing rewards. It also offers user leaderboards and analytics support for your all user activities.

Fully Compatible with SoQuest Platform

While launching an activity, it will also be displayed on the SoQuest website, and you can still gain new users from all the traffic aggregated by SoQuest, that maximize traffic support (500K users and 7M crypto community users) for your project.

On-Boarding Widget

Long-Term widget to recruit new users and segment community persona.

<script defer="defer" src=""></script>
<div class="SoQuest-Widget-OnBoard" data-mode="dark" data-color="#30302F" data-key="9eff98ffb95fa2bbaf540ab23c48e68f1836" data-scode="port3network" data-ccode="DpuLQru2Yt"></div>

Quest Widget

Temporary task widget for users to complete and get rewarded.

<script defer="defer" src=""></script>
<div class="SoQuest-Widget-Quest" data-mode="dark" data-color="#30302F" data-key="3cb503bd930eb3d867ba1492c2e2eec6f887" data-scode="port3network" data-ccode="eHDAlaU3YE"></div>

User Ranking Widget

Accumulated ranking of user points earned by completing tasks.

<script defer="defer" src=""></script>
<div class="SoQuest-Widget-Rank" data-mode="dark" data-key="3fc413a4d22569eaf1b6d2a8756cd15aa7d3" data-id="6499a0d05454b9f67f6b81fd" data-scode="port3network"   data-startt="1685548800" data-endt="1688097600"></div>

Go customize my task widget now !


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